Iris Revers is the woman behind Etsy shop PIETenKEES, where furry llamas and fairy-tale ladies mix it up with colorful little abstracts, flower crowned bunnies, and everything else that dreams are made of. And if this sounds amazing, that’s because it is.
Friday Favorite – Free Hug Sofa
April 22, 2016
Yes, yes, yes! If you’re an avid reader like myself, you know that the struggle is real. Especially when you also just happen to be slightly on the short side in a country of giants. At 1.55 or 5’1 I stand a good 20 cm below most of my female friends, and at least 30 below the guys. Talking to people in loud bars is nearly impossible, which is why I dance. But that’s not the struggle I’m talking about. I’m talking about sitting.
Bedroom inspiration: bedding and duvets
October 1, 2015
One small project at a time the house is slowly becoming ours, instead of just his. The bedroom was mostly left out of the redecorating process, but last week we finally got around to plastering the walls there. My parents came over and with a little (a lotta) help from my dad who actually knows how to do it, the four of us did all of the plastering ourselves. I feel like such a pro now. A lot of other work
DIY: Marquee letters inspired lamp
September 22, 2015
I’ve been seeing beautiful marquee letters inspired lamps all over Pinterest for a while, and decided it was time to try my hand at one. Since moving in with the boyfriend I’ve been using the globe that was a birthday present long ago in what probably were my early teens (or even before that?). It is still one of my favorite objects, but I strained my eyes trying to read by the little light it gives. And what use is a nightlight you can’t comfortably read by?
Summer lounging
July 30, 2015
Summer in the Netherlands is not great at the moment. In fact, we’ve just had the worst July storm in Dutch history and it’s been overall fall weather for the last few weeks. During the last two-day stint of summer, I got around to repainting the small table and chairs on our balcony. We saved the set from the in-laws when they moved out of their previous apartment and were about to throw it, but it was a rusty, filthy mess.
Cups by Pols Potten
July 29, 2015
I’ve been eyeing this pattern by Pols Potten for quite a while. In grey, blue and black it’s a lot darker than what I usually go for in dinnerware, but for some reason this specific pattern got me mesmerized. I really, really like it. I’d been seeing it on a set of bread plates in one shop, and then on a salad bowl in another, but I never got to actually purchasing any. I prefer my breakfast sandwich on a lighter plate, and I just didn’t need another salad bowl, really.