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Tales on Tuesday – We dated, and then he died

May 11, 2016

We dated, and then he died -
After my first year at university I decided to take a gap year. I had quickly realized I had chosen the wrong studies, only to switch to another subject that did not suit me either. I needed the time to find out what I wanted to do with my life.

As it had been a longstanding dream of mine to become an actress Continue Reading

April recap

May 3, 2016

April recap: Amsterdam houses - ‎
Ah, April. A lot of things happened, and I forgot to take pictures of most of it. But still, there’s more than enough to share. Prince died, and it snowed in April, just like he said it might. But. We also finally saw the first tidings of the summer to come here in the Netherlands. Continue Reading

Tales on Tuesday – Soundtrack

April 26, 2016
Tales on Tuesday: Soundtrack -

Photo: Wim Sonius

Dusk is falling as we walk onto the gangway. Above us the first stars slowly start to show as white specks in a progressively darker sky. Carefully we make our path through palm trees and carnivorous plants, when suddenly we hear a familiar tune. In the depths below us a string quartet has just started playing the main title of Game of Thrones. Continue Reading

Tales on Tuesday – Under the stars

April 12, 2016

Tales on Tuesday: Under the stars -

Diversity is a hot topic. Should we take in more or less refugees? Do we want more or less international cooperation? And should borders that have been opened in recent decades be closed again? Interestingly enough, religion is often mentioned as a big theme in the debate surrounding diversity. ‘Islam is a violent and hateful religion.’ ‘Our Judeo-Christian tradition is under threat.’ Continue Reading

On things to do before 30

January 5, 2016

There's so much pressure to do stuff before 30, but perhaps it's time to take a look at what we already have accomplished. Join in at the blog!
With the big 3-0 nearing, I found myself pondering all the ‘to do before 30’ lists. I once read a quote saying that if you haven’t achieved anything before 30, you never will. It always stuck with me, enticing me to do things and to try to become the best version of me as  soon as possible. Before 30, anyways. Continue Reading

A week without WiFi in the Dominican Republic

August 10, 2015

Palm trees
Having only just started this new blog of mine, I was adamant that I should keep up posting once a day, even if I was going away on a short holiday. I had written a few posts that just needed a little bit of touching up, which I would do while waiting at the airport and during my layover, and then of course I would post some photos and tidbits of the holiday while I was on it. It felt good having a game plan.

Of course – and obviously –  it didn’t work out like that. Wifi at the airport was shitty to say the least. There was no free wifi, but if I sat at the right place I had access to some luxury club’s internet. It barely worked on my phone though, and not at all on the laptop. Then when I arrived at the over-the-top deluxe all inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic that was my destination, it turned out Continue Reading